Home / Sara residential complex : 2006

Sara residential complex : 2006

C – The building facades with pottery relief of four season design; from bottom to top: Winter, Fall, Summer, Spring. This design could be built also in the horizontal form, D – location of the project as shown in the map is located in: Highway ShahidAghababaii- Pol Ghadir – Isfahan.

Orders and execute clay reliefs, paintings, pottery, earthenware reliefs in size and different designs are handmade

This workshop production of complete production cycle of self-sustaining supplies and soil, as well as images of icons at the bottom of workshop

Just moments to order and they are sent in every part of the world they are in the process of job performance.

 All products Teenagers pottery has a 3 year warranty and 10 years of service after the sale.

The art group currently does not have any branch or representative and provide the work place is no intermediary.

Orders and support (24 hours): 0098-3134411798



Sara Embossed clay
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